Published by the Reader Collection, Ontario Canada, 2024


Reader Collection > Guides > Guide to Non-woodblock Japanese Prints of Flowers and Birds > Artists M-S


Chapter 5 – Artists M-S









Makiko Hattori

  まき子 服部

●   active late 1900s

●   creative style

●   3 intaglio prints included in analysis


Unknown flower and bird


Mari Aoe


●   1961-

●   creative style

●   1 screenprint print included in analysis


Rose (Rosa sp.) and rock dove (Columba livia)


Marino Miura

 麻梨乃 三浦

●   1961-

●   creative style

●   5 intaglio prints included in analysis


Cherry (Prunus sp.) and Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)


Masahiko Saga

 雅彦 嵯峨

●   active 2000s

●   creative style

●   28 digital prints included in analysis

White spider-lily (Lycoris albiflora) and domestic fowl (Gallus gallus)


Masahiro Kurita

 政裕 栗田

●   1952-

●   creative style

●   3 lithograph prints included in analysis


Egret orchid (Habenaria radiata) and egret (Egretta sp.)


Masahiro Tabuki

 正博 たぶき

●   1953-

●   realistic style

●   9 digital prints included in analysis


Common cattail (Typha latifolia) and common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)


Masami Iwata

 正巳 岩田

●   1893-1988

●   realistic style

●   6 lithograph prints included in analysis

Common zinnia (Zinnia elegans) and red avadavat (Amandava amandava)


Masami Yamada

 真巳 山田

●   1938-

●   realistic style

●   1 lithograph print included in analysis


Torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) and greater bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea apoda)


Masao Kobayashi

 正夫 小林

●   1929-

●   realistic style

●   1 lithograph print included in analysis


Camellia (Camellia japonica) and Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus)


Masao Ohba

 正男 大場

●   1928-2008

●   creative style

●   4 screenprint prints included in analysis


Unknown flower and birds


Masao Sekine

 将雄 関根

●   1919-2013

●   realistic style

●   2 lithograph prints included in analysis


Cherry (Prunus sp.) and egret (Egretta sp.)


Masao Yoshida

 正雄 吉田

●   1935-1998

●   creative style

●   3 intaglio prints included in analysis


Unknown flower and crane (Grus sp.)


Masayasu Uchida

 正泰 内田

●   1922-2019

●   realistic style

●   5 screenprint prints included in analysis


Chinese smilax (Smilax china), common reed (Phragmites australis) and Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)


Masayoshi Kawa


●   1920-?

●   realistic style

●   1 screenprint print included in analysis


Unknown fruit, long-tailed finch (Poephila acuticauda), Gouldian finch (Chloebia gouldiae), diamond firetail (Stagonopleura guttata), unknown bird and Java sparrow (Padda oryzivora)


Masayuki Miyata

 雅之 宮田

●   1926-1997

●   realistic style

●   1 lithograph print included in analysis


Cherry (Prunus sp.) and mandarin duck (Aix galericulata)




●   active late 1900s

●   creative style

●   1 screenprint print included in analysis


Unknown flowers and rock dove (Columba livia)


Matazō Kayama

 又造 加山

●   1927-2004

●   creative style

●   2 intaglio prints included in analysis

Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki) and Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus)


Michiko S.

●   active late 1900s

●   realistic style

●   1 intaglio print included in analysis


Cymbidium orchid (Cymbidium sp.) and Siberian blue robin (Luscinia cyane)


Mikuo Konoki

 三男 此木

●   1937-

●   creative style

●    1 intaglio print included in analysis


Unknown flower and rock dove (Columba livia)


Mitsuru Nagashima


●   1959-

●   creative style

●   7 intaglio prints included in analysis


Unknown flower and gold-billed magpie (Urocissa flavirostris)


Mitsutaka Kawasaki

 満孝 川崎

●   1946-

●   creative style

●   1 intaglio print included in analysis


Pheasant's eye (Adonis amurensis), unknown flowers and unknown bird


Motoi Ōi


●   1910-2004

●   creative style

●   8 intaglio prints included in analysis


Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and domestic fowl (Gallus gallus)


Mutsuo Kawashima

 睦郎 川島

●   1940-

●   realistic style

●   4 lithograph prints included in analysis

Rose-of-Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) and narcissus flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina)



Naoko Okada

 尚子 岡田

●   1982-

●   realistic style

●     1 lithograph print included in analysis


Weeping cherry (Prunus subhirtella) and unknown bird


Naoko Tanikawa

 直子 谷川

●   active 2000s

●   creative style

●   1 screenprint  print included in analysis


Unknown flowers and bird


Nobori Oyama


●   1921-1995

●   realistic style

●    1 lithograph print included in analysis

Japanese iris (Iris ensata) and gray wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)



Nowaki Tadashi


●   1988-

●   realistic style

●   1 intaglio print included in analysis


Rose (Rosa sp.) and budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)


Raifū Hirota

 雷風 廣田

●   1947-

●   realistic style

●    1 linocut print included in analysis


Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) and rock dove (Columba livia)


Rei Kasahara

 れい かさはら

●   active 2000s

●   creative style

●    30 screenprint prints included in analysis


Wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox), sarcandra (Sarcandra glabra) and white cockatoo (Cacatua alba)


Ryō Arai


●   1933-2009

●   creative style

●   2 intaglio prints included in analysis


Sasanqua camellia (Camellia sasanqua) and babbler (Pomatostomus sp.)


Ryūji Kawano

 隆司 川野

●   1950-

●   realistic style

●   29 digital prints included in analysis


Day-lily (Hemerocallis sp.) and gull (Larus sp.)


S. Hisui

●   active late 1900s

●   realistic style

●    1 lithograph print included in analysis


Cherry (Prunus sp.), bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), aster (Aster sp.), rose (Rosa sp.), cattleya orchid (Cattleya sp.) and unknown bird


Saburō Takahashi

 三郎 高橋

●   1932-

●   creative style

●   1 intaglio print included in analysis


Grape (Vitis vinifera) and unknown bird


Sadao Satō

 貞男 佐藤

●   1933-

●   creative style

●   2 screenprint prints included in analysis


Plum (Prunus mume) and Japanese bush-warbler (Cettia diphone)


Sadao Watanabe

 禎雄 渡辺

●   1913-1996

●   creative style

●   1 screenprint print included in analysis


Unknown flowers and lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus)


Sanpō Shuku


●   1902-1994

●   creative style

●   10 lithograph prints included in analysis


Japanese showy lily (Lilium speciosum) and rock dove (Columba livia)


Sawato Fukui

 爽人 福井

●   1937-

●   realistic style

●   1 lithograph print included in analysis


Moth orchid (Phalaenopsis sp.) and cockatoo (Cacatua sp.)


Seitarō Kuroda

 征太郎 黒田

●   1939-

●   creative style

●   5 screenprint prints included in analysis

Unknown flower and rock dove (Columba livia)


Seizō Tajima

 征三 田島

●   1940-

●   creative style

●   1 lithograph print included in analysis


Unknown flower and domestic fowl (Gallus gallus)


Shigeki Kuroda

 茂樹 黒田

●   1953-

●   realistic style

●   11 intaglio prints included in analysis


Penstemon (Penstemon sp.) and hummingbird (Family Trochilidae)


Shigeru Matsuzaki


●   1950-

●   creative style

●   1 intaglio print included in analysis

Unknown flower and bird


Shigeru Oda


●   1933-

●   realistic style

●   2 intaglio prints included in analysis


Primrose (Primula sp.) and mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)


Shin’ichi Gunji

 伸一 郡司

●   1949-

●   realistic style

●   1 intaglio print included in analysis

Sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) and domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos)



Shōgetsu Sakai

 嘯月 坂井

●   active late 1800s

●   realistic style

●   8 intaglio prints included in analysis

●   author of Shinsen Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Newly Selected Flowers and Birds) 新撰花鳥画譜 published in 1897

Plum (Prunus mume) and Japanese bush-warbler (Cettia diphone)


Shōko Uemura

 松篁 上村

●   1902-2001

●   realistic style

●   44 lithograph prints included in analysis

Peach (Prunus persica) and European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)


Shōmei Yoh


●   1946-

●   creative style

●   1 lithograph print included in analysis


Dandelion (Taraxacum sp.) and hummingbird (Family Trochilidae)


Shunkō Tsukioka

 春郊 土岡

●   1891-1959

●   realistic style

●   100 lithograph prints included in analysis


Pomegranate (Punica granatum) and Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria)



Sōhō Ikegami

 壮豊 池上

●   1940-

●   realistic style

●    4 screenprint prints included in analysis


Plum (Prumus mume) and Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus)


Sumaco Yasui

 寿磨子 安井

●   1959-

●   creative style

●   7 intaglio prints included in analysis


Camellia (Camellia japonica) and penguin (Family Spheniscidae)


Susumu Maki


●   1936-

●   realistic style

●   1 lithograph print included in analysis


Rose (Rosa sp.) and cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus)



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